Sunday, January 23, 2011

100 Miles

I'm going to walk 100 miles.  

No joke.

I am!

And I'm doing it to help find a cure for diabetes.

Our JDRF chapter is doing "The Century Challenge".  It's easy.  All you have to do is walk a mile a few times a week.  Each time you walk a mile, put $1 in your JDRF Jar.  By the time the walk rolls around (assuming you have a fall walk - you might be hurtin' if you're trying to do this by spring!), you will have raised $100!

 (Yes!  That is Dodge, our flamingo from The Diabetes Dude, in our JDRF Jar!  And Yes... it is the centerpiece on our table.  But LOOK!  I've been walking!!)

It doesn't get much easier than that, does it?

ANYONE can do this.

You can walk.  Your kids can walk.  You can ride a bike.  Your kids can ride their bikes.  You could swim.  Whatever.  

1 mile = 1 dollar

And at the end, not only will you have 100 bucks to donate towards finding a CURE for diabetes.... you'll be healthier.

Win - Win


Who's with me?



  1. I'm a walking! New shoes and everything...well...not walking, exactly. More like stair climbing at the gym -- but a mile is a mile, right?

  2. I LOVE this idea! I might need to see if I can get my gym involved. Very cool idea, Ms. Hallie!

  3. What a great idea! Win win for sure! Go Hallie Go!!

  4. Awschum idea, Hallie! Love the idea and the simplicity of it. Will have to mentally file this idea for for future exercise endeavors!


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