Sunday, February 27, 2011

Surviving Another First

** I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor and Survivor by Destiny's Child can be heard by clicking PLAY at the right!**

Diabetes is full of "firsts".  The first time you give a shot.  The first time you count carbs.  The first time you care for your child on your own.  The first time you let them out of your sight.  The first time they get sick.  The first time they have ketones...  The list goes on and on.

We had another first this weekend.

Friday night was the first time that Sweets got sick and threw up.

She's thrown up due to ketones... but this was the first time that she has gotten sick because of an illness.  And that is an entirely new ballgame.

I've been dreading this.

For any readers who might now know, puking and diabetes DO NOT MIX.  They do not play nicely together.

It can be very dangerous for people with diabetes to get a stomach bug.  What often happens is that the blood sugar goes DOWN.  Usually with illness, bg rises.  But not with the stomach flu.

Ketones, however, go up.  And there's the rub...

You need insulin to treat the ketones.  Without insulin and water, ketones will only keep rising.  This can cause DKA and all the nastiness involved with that - including more puking and a life threatening situation if not treated.

However... insulin drops blood sugar.  So if the bg is low... giving extra insulin is tricky and dangerous.  You need them to EAT so you can give insulin.  But how do you feed a puking person?

Consider this...  If your CWD throws up a meal - AFTER you've bolused for it.... They have active insulin on board.... and no food.  What's going to happen???  Crashing bg.

Friday, Sweets complained that she did not feel well.  She said her belly hurt.  We thought maybe it was "poo" related.  But she was tired.  And she didn't eat dinner (Thank GOD we didn't make her).  And then she was low.  J gave her some juice.  10 minutes later she was lower than before.

"This is not good," I said.  "I have a bad feeling about this..."

And it wasn't long until her lunch made a reappearance.

And the poor little thing threw up countless times from 7 pm until around midnight.  Finally, she was just throwing up water.  She couldn't even keep her sips of water down.

It was heartbreaking.  She was moaning and rolling around in pain.  She had to go to the bathroom - and luckily I followed her in there with the bucket.  She even got sick sitting on the toilet.

"This is the most horrible day ever" she said.

We made her a little "bed" on the couch with sheets and her pillow.  The kitten decided it looked like fun and was trying to play with her feet.  "Spooky!  This is NOT playtime" she said.

Her bg held steady for most of the throwing up at around 85-90 mg/dl.

It actually started rising a bit around midnight - but so did her ketones.  She had 0 ketones when it all started.  But an hour later she had moderate ketones.  We went ahead and gave her extra insulin for the ketones (see the sick day flow chart under the SICK DAY tab).  It brought her bg down - but never into the low range.

By 1 am, she was asleep on the couch.  Bg was around 90 and ketones were now a large 1.7.  She couldnt even keep down water.  I was worried that she was dehydrating.  I was worried that her ketones were large and we couldnt get her to keep anything down to help correct it.

We called the hospital.  As much as I did NOT want to take her to the ER... I was scared.  The on call doc thought that we could keep on trying at home.  She told us to call back in the morning if her ketones were still large.

At 3 am her bg was around 100 but ketones had gone up to 1.9.  She had not gotten sick in a few hours.

I took a gamble.  I gave her the correction dose for the large ketones.  And then I waited.  And I watched.

Dex showed her starting to go down.


It was 4:30 am.  An hour and a half after her dose.  Insulin should be peaking... I checked her bg.  82.  It was time to start pushing carbs.

I tried everything I could think of.  This was one day that having a kid who won't drink soda was no good!

I mentally went over the mini-gluc instructions in my mind.  "One unit for each year of age... put it in a regular syringe...  Oh my Lord.  PLEASE don't let it come to that."

I tried sips of juice.  She wanted ice.  I tried a sucker.  She wouldn't take a lick.  I tried crushed ice mixed with crushed smarties.  She turned up her nose.  I tried a popsicle.  She said no.  Finally, I crushed up a popsicle in a cup and fed her bites with a spoon.

That worked.  She only took a few bites.  Probably not even half of the popsicle.  But it was enough.  Bg started to climb.

And I exhaled.

Ketones were holding steady at 1.9 but bg was coming up.  I decided to wait a bit and make sure she kept it down.

By 7, bg had gone up to 200.  Nothing had come up.  But ketones were up to 3.4!!!

We called the hospital again.  The on call doc thought that we should try to feed her.  So we did.

She kept it down.  And the water and food and INSULIN worked to bring down those ketones.

That was a rough night.  One I hope not to relive any time soon.

It's been awhile since I was scared about D.  It's been awhile since I was panicked about D.

But Friday night, I was both.

It's easy to forget the seriousness... the reality of this disease.  You get into this routine and fall into this "been there, done that" routine.  And then something happens...

Something that for other children would be no big deal.  Not pleasant... but nothing like the fear and anxiety that we experienced.  Something like an ordinary stomach bug.

For us... it's different.

And I know that most of you reading this know exactly what I'm talking about.

It's those moments... those shared experiences... those shared fears... that binds us together.  

It's kind of like soldiers who have been through battle together.

That's how I felt.  By morning, I felt battle scarred.  Shell shocked.  Exhausted.

Without some of my wonderful D Mama pals to walk me through that night of another "first" - I would have been even more lost and scared that I was.

 It's now Sunday night.  She's back to her usual, active, precocious self.  Ketones are still present... but very, very small.

We survived!  Praise God!

You can read some other posts about how D and Puking don't mix below...

I Am Your Pancreas:  ER Visit


Friday, February 25, 2011

Ignorance in Primetime - A Repost

This post was originally posted on my old blog on 11/6/09.  I'm still in the process of moving things over here to my new home!   After reading Leighann's take on this - I thought I would repost my original thoughts on the show - Which I LOVE by the way!

If you read my facebook status, you know I’m steaming mad!

Ignorance has now made an appearance in prime time!

After a long day at school and a long evening of parent teacher conferences (and – oh yeah, medium ketones in the morning…) I sat down to enjoy some vegging out time in front of the tv. We were watching the show Modern Family on ABC. It’s a good show – I like it! I think it’s pretty funny and has made it into our dvr line up even though we were officially “not accepting new shows this season”.

In case you don’t know, this show is about a “modern family”. There are three branches of the same family. There is Jay (played by Ed O’Neill of Married with Children fame) who is married to Gloria (his second wife). They live with Gloria’s son, Manny, from her previous marriage. Jay’s grown children are also featured on the show. His daughter, Claire is married to Phil and they have three children. Jay’s son, Mitchell, is gay and married to Cameron and they have Lilly, an adopted daughter.

Last night I was sitting there enjoying some laughs, minding my own business, when a comment made on the show really ticked me off.

Last night’s episode was about Manny. He is really good at fencing. It is the first sport that he has excelled at and everyone is proud of him. He is going to compete in the finals of this fencing tournament but his opponent is going to be a girl. He says he wants to “retire” because he does not want to fight a girl.

Jay and Gloria encourage him to compete (lots of funny details I’m leaving out but I want to get to the point). As they are waiting for the final match, what looks to be the opponent’s mother sits down by the family. They begin talking and find out that it is NOT her mother, but her nurse.

The girl’s father died in Afghanistan, she’s an orphan, etc. etc. Then her “cheering section” all comes in – or rolls in- in their wheelchairs. Manny’s family feels bad – but he goes on to beat this little girl. Jay says to the nurse at the end, (not direct quotes) “Well, maybe she can at least have some ice cream on the way home.” And the lady answers, “No, she can’t. She’s diabetic.”


I about levitated off the couch! Are you kidding me?!?!

Ok, first I’m mad because this NOT TRUE. We all know that kids with diabetes can have sweets. And we know that as a child, if this girl was diabetic, it was most likely Type 1.

Second, It is DIABETES AWARENESS MONTH!!! Seriously folks… get your facts straight. If Hannah Montana can do it, anyone can.

I’m just so ticked that this myth that diabetics can’t eat sweets was propagated on NATIONAL TELEVISION.

Do you think a letter writing campaign might be in order?!!?

If you are interested in watching the episode, you can see it at:
The episode is called En Garde.

I left a comment on the show link. This is what it said:

I really enjoy your show! I think it is very funny and one of the best new shows of the year!
However, I was very disappointed in last night's episode.

At the end of the episode Phil asks the nurse of the child that Manny is fencing if she can take the child out for ice cream. The woman responds, "No, she's diabetic." This is untrue.

Type 1 or Juvenile Diabetes strikes in childhood. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which a person's pancreas stops producing insulin, a hormone that enables people to get energy from food. It lasts a lifetime - there is no cure for diabetes.

People with Type 1 Diabetes must take multiple injections of insulin a day in order to survive. They also must test their blood sugar multiple times a day. Type 1 diabetes requires people to balance their insulin doses with their food intake in order to prevent hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic reactions - both of which are life threatening.

Type 1 diabetics ARE able to eat any food they wish and are not required to follow a strict diet. The diet for people with type 1 diabetes is the same as for anyone else - a healthy balanced diet. Therefore, Type 1 diabetics are able to enjoy ice cream or sweets - as a part of a healthy, balanced diet.

There are many misconceptions about diabetes in the world today. Many people do not have the correct facts about this disease. It is a shame that during November - Diabetes Awareness Month - erroneous information was shared through this program.

This is just another example of how little people know about diabetes and how much work we have to do to educate and clear up false information.

It's overwhelming. And at times I ask myself, "Am I getting worked up over nothing? Who really cares?"

But I care. I want my daughter to grow up in a world that does not blame her for her disease. A world that understands it. A world that, just maybe, makes everything she has to do to stay alive a little bit easier.

Is that too much to ask?


Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Tornado

You all know that March comes in like a lion...

So since spring weather is on the horizon ( I hope!), I wanted to share this story with you!

Back in October, we had a very unusual thunderstorm come through our area.  We don't usually have high winds and tornado warnings in October, but that day we did.

We knew it was coming... The sky got dark.  The wind picked up.  It was ominous.

And it was a weekday.  I was at school with the kids.

I've been teaching for 13 years.  In all my years as a teacher AND as a student, I have NEVER had a situation where we had to take cover for REAL.  But that day we did.

A tornado had been sighted.  The sirens went off.  We all went to our safe places and we were "down" for 45 minutes to an hour before we were told it was safe to get up.  I won't go into what that was like with a bunch of scared 5 year olds!  Use your imagination!  (Honestly, they were fantastic!  Very well behaved and handled it with grace and maturity!)

WHY am I telling you this?  WHAT does this have to do with diabetes?

This is why....

When the sirens went off, my class had just entered the lunch room.  Some of them had started eating.  Some of them had not.  Some of them had only taken a bite or two.

They left their food.  And we were in our safe place for an hour.

WHAT IF...  there was a Type 1 child in the class who had been prebolused for lunch but had to leave the food?

WHAT IF... no one noticed?

WHAT IF... no one understood?

I don't have to tell you... that would be BAD NEWS.  Active insulin on board and no food for an hour means a crashing blood sugar and very likely a BAD low.  A LOW low.

That could turn into a life threatening situation very quickly.

As I was helping my kids to the safe place and worrying about their lunches and getting them more to eat (because due to health regulations - the food was thrown away.  Not to fear - they were served again and they were all happy as clams!), the thought hit me like a ton of bricks.

Oh My Lord.

I'd never thought of that.  It wasn't in her 504.  Had never been discussed.

But can you imagine?

So - I share this with you in hopes that it might be a conversation you have with your child's teacher and nurse.  I share this with you because you might want to add something about this into your 504 plan (I did - you can see our 504 plan HERE).  I share this because it might be a good conversation for you to have WITH your child!

Hopefully, none of our kiddos are ever in this situation - for a fire or a tornado or anything else.

But IF they are - I want us to be prepared!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Virus

Maybe it's the time of year.

Maybe it's the weather.  The past week has shown that the groundhog wasn't lying and that spring just might be around the corner.

Maybe it's because we're coming up on 2 years with D.

Maybe it's because Sweets has been sick with a fever this weekend.

Or maybe it's just because it's always there....  floating around in the back of my mind, coming to the front for random appearances from time to time.

Two years ago.

Two years ago in February it was warm - much like it has been this week.  A little warm spell after months of cold.

It was a Sunday.

It was warm enough that Sweetpea was able to ride her trike around the driveway a few times.  It was nice to be out in the pre-spring air.

I needed beans for school.  I had been looking for green bean seeds for my kids to plant for our Jack and the Beanstalk - Fairy Tale unit.  I needed to run down the street to the hardware store.

Sweets decided that she wanted to go with me.  J was going to stay home and vacuum.  (Isn't he great?)  We jumped in the car and headed out. 

Everything was fine.

We got to the store and we headed across the parking lot.  We went inside and looked around for the seeds.  Sweetpea wanted to be picked up.  Then she said she had to go to the bathroom.  Then she started crying.  She insisted on being carried.  We ditched the bean run and headed home.

I got her into her car seat.  She was shivering and shaking.  She cried the entire way home.

I got her inside and laid her down in my lap on the couch.  She was burning up.  She was shaking.  Her temp was 103. 

It came out of nowhere.

I made the first of many after hour calls to the pediatrician.  I was scared.  Something was not right.

The next day we went to the doctor.  She still had a high fever.  She was lethargic.  But she had no other symptoms of anything.

They were concerned and sent us to the hospital for chest x-rays and blood tests.

She did fine for the x-rays.  But the fingerprick - oh my!  She cried.  She fussed.  She squirmed.  I had to hold her down.

We got home.  It was almost lunch.  I started making Sweetpea something to eat and the phone rang.  It was the doctor's office.  They had already received the blood test results.

Her white count was through the roof. 

I can't remember what it was.  Just that it was like 3 or 4 times what it should have been. 

They sent us back to the hospital for an arm draw.  Then we were to head straight back to the doctor office.  We were to knock on the window if it was closed for lunch.  They wanted to see us right away.

I started to get more scared.

The arm draw was awful.  We really had to hold her down for that.  Then we went back to the pediatrician.  They were concerned it was a blood infection.  They wanted to grow the blood for a few days.  But to be safe, Sweetpea needed a shot of some kind of medicine.  The shot had to be separated into two - two shots given simultaneously into her things.  They said it would hurt.  It was bad.  She screamed.  It took lots of us to hold her down.  Then she was in pain.  Her legs were so sore.  She would barely walk on them.

I went home - exhausted.  I remember saying that I had seen enough finger pricks and shots and held my child down more than enough for one day.  Little did I know...

We were really scared about that white count.  J's brother had been diagnosed with leukemia the previous spring.  We asked them to have a specialist look at her blood. 

It was fine.  No leukemia.  Nothing grew.  They said it was a virus.

She was a sick little girl for quite a few days.  But had no symptoms other than a fever and being lethargic. 

As mysteriously as it began, the illness went away.

But now... two years later...

I can't help but wonder.

What if...

What if that was the day this journey began?

What if that was the day her body started attacking itself?

What if that high white count was due to the autoimmune response?

What if I had known what was happening?

Not that it matters.

Not that I could have stopped it - even if I knew.

I definitely thought about it at diagnosis... but I was so overwhelmed back then.  It wasn't until later that it started hanging around the edges of my mind... bothering me.

I know it's crazy.  Even if that IS when it all started - what does it matter now?

Maybe it's because it's just symbolic.

One minute she was fine.  Literally.  She was fine.  She was riding her bike.

And the next.... 

She wasn't fine.

Life can turn on a dime.  One minute everything is perfect in your corner of the world.

And the next...  Your world is turned upside down.

The world as you knew it is gone.  And you are left to pick up the pieces and create something new.

The trick is to create something even more beautiful... even more wonderful... even more meaningful than what was there before.

Regardless of the exact moment when everything changed.


Monday, February 21, 2011


** The Right Stuff by NKOTB can be heard by clicking play to the right.  I couldn't help it... Takin' me back to Jr High!**

I've got some new stuff on my blog!

Check out my tabs above...

I've made the SCHOOL & OTHER CAREGIVER tab a little easier to use! You can click on the links to be taken to the documents! The documents available are a sample 504 plan, a blood sugar flow chart, pump directions, Dexcom directions, and more!

I've added a SICK DAYS tab!  This tab contains links to sick day guidelines - for those able to hold down food and for those who are not.  There are also links to the carb counts in common medicines, glucagon guidelines, and a link to the Precision Blood Ketone test results.  I know that when I need this stuff, I have to go digging to find it.  Now it's here - in one place and easy to find!

Remember - none of my information is meant to take the place of medical advice.  Especially when your kids are sick - make sure to consult with your doctor and endocrinologist about how best to treat your child!  I'm not a doctor - I just play one in real life!

I'm working on a tab for the carb counts in most common kid foods... so if there's something in particular that you'd like to see - let me know!  Again, I always seem to be searching for the carb counts for the same food over and over.  You'd think it would stick in my brain ... but no... So I thought if it was HERE - at least I would know where to look!  And it might help YOU out, too!



Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Response to Ignorance: ONE VOICE

** One Voice by Billy Gilman can be heard by clicking PLAY on the playlist to the right!**

 Sometimes Facebook can be a mine field.

I hopped on the computer for a second to check in and end up reading this horrible, totally ignorant article about Type 1.  Click HERE to read it for yourself.  WARNING:  It may cause your blood to boil!

I almost didn't comment.  I mean - CLEARLY he's a yahoo who didn't do any research.

But then I thought...  ONE VOICE.  If we are ever going to beat this ignorance down, we've got to have ONE VOICE.  And we have to be heard.  One comment isn't good enough.

This paper - even though it's a local paper - informs people.  People believe it.  Damage has been done if even ONE person reads it and thinks Type 1 is caused by eating too much sugar or some other nonsense.  We must get the TRUTH out.  We must speak with ONE VOICE.

Maybe someone reads the comments and learns something.  Maybe the author learns something.  Maybe the paper learns something... Maybe the paper prints the FACTS about Type 1.

If only one person learns the truth... it's worth my time to leave a comment.

So here is what I had to say to Bob...

You know what I don't like, Bob?  I don't like how people who know NOTHING about diabetes can write articles the subject filled with inaccuracies.  I don't like that you claim that Type 1 diabetes may be caused my excess sugar or lack of exercise - especially without citing your "proof".   I don't like that you suggest that a child with Type 1 was dealt a "worse hand".

Did you do ANY research on the subject?

Because if you did, you would have found that Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease.  Just like MS or rheumatoid arthritis, or Crohn's disease.  The body attacks the insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas and kills them off.  This leaves the person unable to produce insulin... which untreated, leads to death.  No amount of diet change will stop that autoimmune attack.

My daughter is a prime example.  She's always been very active and in the 10th percentile for her weight.  She has never had soda.  She did not have candy of any kind until she was 2 years old and tried a sucker at Halloween.  She chooses fruit and veggies over ice cream (honestly, I'm not making this up!).  And yet, she was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes just a couple of weeks after her 3rd birthday.

How dare you suggest that she got this disease because she ate too much candy?  How dare you suggest that she was dealt a bad hand because of her crappy genes?  NO ONE in either of our families has diabetes.  NO ONE.  I am hurt and offended by your lack of compassion and your blatant ignorance about this subject.

It has become my mission to advocate and educate people about Type 1 diabetes.  You, sir, could some additional education.  It's people like you who write articles without all the facts that make our job so much harder.

Do you know what it's like to live with this disease?  I mean, REALLY live with diabetes?  It's a 24/7/365 disease.  You NEVER get a break.  It means counting and weighing EVERYTHING your child consumes to determine the amount of carbohydrates so that you can correctly determine the amount of insulin.  It means piercing your child's flesh 7-10 times a day to check her blood sugar.  It means checking blood sugar in the middle of the night because you are so afraid of an undetected low blood sugar that can result in death (see dead in bed syndrome).  It means never sleeping through the night.  It means giving your child 5 or more shots a day - which for us meant holding her down while she cried and screamed and begged us not to hurt her.  It means choosing for your child to wear an insulin pump - a life saving device that is worn 24 hours a day and is inserted with a needle every 3 days.  It means pouring over numbers to look for patterns so that you can change insulin to carbohydrate ratios or basal rates.  It means telling your child that she can't go play at a friend's house because no one there knows how to take care of her.  It means saying "no" that cupcake or treat because your child's blood sugar is too high to safely consume it.  It means pain.  It means grief.  It's there on birthdays.  It's there on Christmas.  Special occasions are halted for diabetes care.  Class time is missed at school due to diabetes care.  It means always feeling different.  It means having to explain to your child WHY this disease entered her life.  It means having to be honest when she asks when it will go away.

My goal is for my child to grow up believing that she can do ANYTHING...  That diabetes will not hold her back.

What can hold her back is the ignorance that is spread when people write articles such as this.  Diabetes is hard.  YOU are making this life harder.  She already has to fight diabetes.  Why must she fight this ignorance, too?

I agree with you that the rise of Type 1 and 2 diabetes is unacceptable.  40 children are diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes every day in the USA alone.  That IS unacceptable.

Here's  your chance to do something about it.  Instead of simply writing an article full of false "facts" and half truths... Why don't you check out and DONATE to the ADA, JDRF, Life for a Child, The Diabetes Research Institute, and so many other worthy organizations.  That would be wonderful way to "start the trend of a healthier America".

Mother of a child with Type 1 Diabetes

So come on, folks.  ONE VOICE.  We can do this.  One comment at a time.  One blog at a time.  One facebook post at time.  One tweet at a time.  One person at a time.  We will be heard.  ONE VOICE.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Eye Of The Beholder

First, I want to THANK YOU for all the kind words about the Valentine Video!  I'm so glad that you liked it!

Please feel free to make it as much yours as it is mine.  You are welcome to post it to facebook and Twitter or on your own blog.  You can let me know if you need the code.
In my post video making haze, I forgot mention why I chose the song I did.  I talked about how the lyrics made me think of my Sweetpea... But it was more than that.  The emotion behind the lyrics really spoke to me, too.

You see, it's one of my biggest fears.  I worry about it a lot. 

I don't want Sweetpea to ever think of herself as "less" in any way because of diabetes.  I don't want her to feel bad or ashamed.  I don't want her to think of herself as a burden or to think that we would lover her more without diabetes.  I don't want her to ever think that we would prefer a non-D child.

No.  She's amazing.  Just the way she is.

I've said it before - I'll say it again.  Part of my inspiration for the video was to show her how much we love her and let her know that we think she's amazing and perfect- just the way she is.  That we would choose HER - over and over, every single time, in a heart beat, with no hesitation.  I want her to KNOW this and to never forget it.

And I'm sure that I'm not alone in that wish, either.

So Valentine's Day....

Our day started with a call from the alarm company and the police saying that our alarm was going off and that the police found the back door open.  Great!  Luckily, all things and both cats were accounted for!

I got beautiful flowers from my hubby! Not only did this make my day - but it aslo benefited JDRF!

Sweetpea had a GREAT day at school!  She was beyond excited!  Luckily for me, her teachers restrict the amount of treats that her class has.  They sorted candy hearts - and she came home with the bag of little hearts- complete with a carb count from her teacher!  See?  They are awesome!

Sweetpeas was SO excited about those hearts!  She has been asking for hearts for weeks and I've been putting her off.  So she was thrilled to get that little treat!  She ate a few and the rest is still in the bag on the counter waiting for dessert tomorrow (or a low!). 

Sweets also really loved sharing Valentines with her friends!  This year, she got one SPECIAL valentine!  A boy in her class gave her a regular sized card and the attached note said that he had insisted on it because she was his "girlfriend".  Oh, my!  I don't think she is aware of this at all!  She does talk about him.... but usually in terms of "he hit me" or "he chased me" or "he won't leave me alone".  Yup, sounds like a crush to me!  Daddy is not thrilled with this... he said to tell this boy to "back off, buster!"  Poor Daddy....!

I know how hard these days are for CWD's and their parents.  It's tough.  And I dread it for Sweetpea in the coming years.  No one wants to keep the kids from the party.  And yet... sometimes eating what is served is just not a good idea.  So for all those parents out there battling high blood sugars from too many treats.... or who fought about (whether that's with your kid or with yourself) what was ok to eat... I'm sorry.  I feel your pain.  It's never easy.  Telling your kid no when you want to say yes.... or saying yes when you want to say no.  I get you.

My class made Valentine I-pod's today!

It was super easy!  All you need is a box of candy hearts, construction paper, pull and peel Twizzlers, and Hershey Kisses.  I used tape to put it all together so that it would all still be edible.  The kids enjoyed it and thought it was cool!

Here are a few pics that I took....  (Forgive the quality - phone pics are not the best)

(the back)

Sweetpea came into my classroom while we were making these.  She gave me the oddest look and said, "You're making insulin pumps?"

"No, honey!  It's an I-pod!"

I had to laugh.  I guess when you live this crazy D Life...  you see it everywhere.  Yes, that IS kind of sad.  But I'm learning that it's sad to ME.  To her - it's just life.

It's all in the eye of the beholder!


Sunday, February 13, 2011

To the DOC - With LOVE

Happy Valentine's Day!

Here it is... the unveiling of my little project!  Thank you to everyone who participated!

The idea for this video came to me the day that I first heard the Bruno Mars song "Just the Way You Are".  I immediately thought of Sweetpea.

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are
And I thought - "BLOG POST!!!".  I thought it would make a perfect little love note for me to send to Sweets on Valentine's Day!

But then... I know that I am not the only person who feels that way about her child.  I know that I am not the only one who feels that way about EVERYONE with diabetes.  So I decided to ask all of you to join me in this little project!

As the pictures started rolling in, we put them into a special folder.  And I would open that folder and look at all those beautiful faces.

Different ages.  Different genders.  Different backgrounds. 

All sooooo beautiful.  Each and every one!

It brings tears to my eyes to look at all those beautiful faces...

Knowing what it takes to live this life.  Knowing how strong they are all.  Know how beautiful they truly are - inside and out.

Diabetes can be an ugly disease.  But today I want to forget the pain and the ugliness.... and focus instead on the LOVE and the BEAUTY!

So... without further ado...

Here is my little love note to the DOC.  I hope you enjoy it!

Have a wonderful Valentine's Day!


Friday, February 11, 2011

I Could Really Use That

** Playlist Selection:  A Change Gonna Come by Sam Cooke.... It's been a long time comin'... Go click PLAY**

It was one of those moments that just take your breath away.  From completely out of the blue...  Shifts your perspective...  Breaks your heart...  And leaves you shaken...

Swetpea stayed home sick from school on Tuesday.  She infected Mimi so Mimi and Gaga were unable to babysit.  I had a very important meeting at school.  So Daddy got to stay home with Sweets.

During the day... completely out of nowhere... came THIS conversation:

Sweetpea:  Dad, Do you think there will be a cure for diabetes?
J:  I sure hope so.  We will do everything we can... and keep raising money so there can be a cure.
Sweetpea:  Thanks, Dad.  I could really use that. 


The topic of a cure has been tossed around the DOC quite a bit recently.

It all started with Jeffrey Brewer's interview with diaTribe about the new direction of JDRF, thoughts on a cure and the progress of the Artificial Pancreas Project. 

In case you didn't catch it.... that interview sparked quite the debate in some circles.  Here are a few quotes:

The first very big transition is we’re moving away from the over reliance on the cure as the central part of our message and funding. This does not mean JDRF is any less committed in its focus to find a cure, but we have some work to do in order to get there. And in the meantime, there are many people who will live with diabetes for a relatively long period of time. We have a responsibility and an opportunity to help them live better, healthier, longer, and less stressful lives. And so one of the big changes that we’re undergoing is focusing on improving the lives of people living with diabetes on a day-to-day basis.
This expanded mission will also develop into an emphasis on prevention.

The second big change at JDRF is moving away from an exclusive focus on children and also embracing the adult type 1 diabetes audience. At the end of the day, at least 85% of the people living with diabetes are adults, not children. We’re no less committed to improving the lives of children, but there are a lot of people out there who have lived with this disease for a very long time. And what’s really important to them is an improvement in their life today, whether that’s managing blood sugar better on a daily basis, preventing complications, or screening their kids for diabetes.These first two big changes are mutually reinforcing. Embracing treatment and prevention is going to help us be more relevant to the type 1 diabetes adult crowd. If the cure is five years away, then by all means let’s double down, let’s go for the cure, and treatment is not important. But if the cure is farther out than that, then we’ve got to really focus on helping people live with diabetes. And that’s where JDRF is going.

The third big change at JDRF is a commitment to going beyond academic research as our sole focus. We’re still funding academics primarily today, but with much more focus on translational research and on efforts to move developments from the laboratory into companies. At the end of the day, companies will deliver the therapeutics for our loved ones, whether they develop devices or drugs. JDRF is an enabler in this process. We’re the only organization, the only entity in the whole equation that is exclusively focused on benefiting the lives of people with type 1 diabetes. JDRF is not going to develop intellectual property. We’re not going to do laboratory work. We’re not going to do clinical trials. We’re not going to sell drugs or devices. We’re not going to prescribe drugs or devices. We just want to help all those things happen more effectively and more efficiently than otherwise would, and to have this sooner than we otherwise would.When we look at how and what has to happen, JDRF will be intervening across the entire pipeline. This will occur at the laboratory level with the academic researchers; at the company level where development and clinical trials occur; at the FDA level where regulation and approval take place; at the reimbursement level to make sure that treatments are covered by insurance companies; and at the level of the clinician in helping make sure that they’re paid for the time that they spend with patients and that they’re educated about treatment options.
Treatments that address the underlying disease, immune therapies and cell therapies like encapsulated beta cells are going to have huge regulatory challenges. They’re going to have big reimbursement challenges. And they’re going to have huge clinical delivery challenges. JDRF needs to be helping across that entire pipeline.

I read lots of facebook posts from some very upset folks.  THEN I read a thread on the CWD website.  And it.  was.  UGLY.  That is the nicest thing I can say about it.  There were some very ANGRY people and the name calling and lack of respect that was seen there was disgusting.  It made me ill.

Regardless of your beliefs about JDRF or the cure...  what I have always loved about the DOC was the respect that we show for one another.  We realize that this is not a "one size fits all" disease.  What works for me may not work for you.  What works for you may not work for me.  And that's ok.

It was sad to see that respect fly out the window.  As Jeff Hitchcock said at the end of that forum, "Let's all remember that we are not the enemy.  The enemy is diabetes." 

I was going to blog about it.  I was ready.

But then LIFE happened.  Sweetpea came down with strep throat.  Which led to some wonky high bg's.  Work is always busy.  I was working on an AWESOME give away with Skidaddle bags.  And every spare minute was spent trying to schedule meetings with my Senators and Representatives for JDRF's upcoming Government Day (more about this coolness soon).

And after reading post after post on the topic....  I thought I'd just let it go.  The others bloggers that I read NAILED IT.  What more was there to add?  I didn't think I could possibly have anything different to say or cover the topic any more eloquently than it had already been covered.

To read some of the other amazing post floating around out there in the DOC about "the interview", check out this list:

I Don't Have Diabetes, I've got "tha suga"! :  Things Like This Shouldn't Happen
Diabetesaliciousness:  Here's What I Know
The Butter Compartment:  Bloody Hands
Candy Hearts:  I Have A(nother) Question
* Sweet to the Soul:  My 2 Cents Worth
The We Cara Lot Blog:  You Are Perfect Just The Way You Are Cure or No Cure
The Sugar Kids:  What's in a Cure?

But then.... Sweetpea had that conversation with J. 

And I knew that I HAD to post about it. 

What do I think?

I have no problem with what Mr. Brewer described.

First, I think that embracing the Type 1 Adult community is a great thing.  After all... Sweetpea is going to grow up (too fast, by the way).  And I want her to have all the support that she needs.  I want her to have an organization that cares about her whether she's 4, 24, or 44.  She will NEED that support.  And what an incredible opportunity!  I think our adult PWD's are a fantastic source of information and encouragement.  I won't be able to help her when she's in her 20's and has a D question.  I'll be there for her.  I'll try.  But I know that I won't be able to help in the way that someone who has "been there, done that" could help.  I want that for her.  I want that for all of our kids.

Yes, it hurts a little to hear him say that JDRF is moving away from an over reliance on the cure.  It's a little scary.  But he speaks the truth. 

How many of us were told at dx that the cure was 10 years away?  Practically everyone has heard it. 

And I believed it.  At first.  I don't believe it any more.

Mr. Brewer says, "If the cure is five years away, then by all means let’s double down, let’s go for the cure, and treatment is not important. But if the cure is farther out than that, then we’ve got to really focus on helping people live with diabetes."

Just as it becomes reality that THIS is your life.... that D is not going away... that D is really dangerous...  the reality of cure becomes a little more clear, too. 

The cure is not 5 years away.  It HURTS me to say this... but I don't think the cure is 10 years away, either.

As I've grown into this reality, I realize that even if a cure would be found tomorrow.... it would be awhile before we were able to access it.  And it would be something that I would want tested... long term, possibly... before I let it near my daughter. 

So if she's going to be living with D for awhile... then I want JDRF to be working on the best available treatments.  I want Sweetpea healthy enough that whether that cure comes in 10 years or 20 or 50... that she will be able to benefit from it. 

For me... a cure is not just about US.  It's not just about SWEETPEA.

I BELIEVE in JDRF.  I BELIEVE in doing everything I can - whether it is walking, raising money, collecting coins, biking, making gala baskets, or talking to members of Congress.  And although I HOPE and PRAY that a cure will come in my lifetime - I would still work just as hard if I knew that it was not going to happen.  Because SOMEONE will benefit.  Maybe Sweets.  Maybe her children.  Maybe her grandchildren.  Maybe her great grandchildren. 

I BELIEVE in a cure - regardless of when it happens.  And I BELIEVE in investing in new technology to keep us as healthy as possible while we wait.

Yes, I want a cure.  I want a cure so badly that I can TASTE it.  But a cure is complicated.  It's not simple. 

Like Kelly said, "I know that I will crawl through glass on my knees for a cure and I will continue to help and support any organization that is working towards that cure with every fiber of my being."

So will I, Kelly. 

Because we could ALL really use that.


And the WINNER is...

Thank you all so much for you patience!  I know you've been on pins and needles ALL DAY LONG waiting to see who the winner of the SKIDADDLE bag would be!

Before I could chose my winner, I had to go to work!  Once school was over, I took Sweetpea and one of her buddies to a different elementary school to participate in a fundraiser they are doing for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  Then I took the kids to dinner.  And now I am home!  And ready to pick my winner!

Speaking of winners.... Have you been wondering about the outcome of the playlist poll?  81% of people prefer the playlist to be silent.  I know this upsets some of you... and I'm truly sorry!  (Yes, MOM - I'm talking to YOU!)  Here's what I'm going to do:  The playlist will remain in the upper right corner of the blog.  I will still play Delilah and pick tunes to go with my posts.  Just like always.  But now if you want to hear it, you've got to push play.  Sometimes I might set it to play automatically - if it's a song that I think you just HAVE to hear!  But most of the time it will be up to you to push play - if you want!

I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to Skidaddle bags for giving away such a wonderful prize!  I know the winner is going to adore this Apple Hipster!

If you don't win - all is not lost!  You can head right on over to the Skidaddle site and get your very own bag there!  Skidaddle makes all kinds of bags for diabetes supplies, too!  So if the Hipster isn't your thing - check out what else is available!  You can find a smart bag, meter bag, messenger bag or a clutch!  There are bags for girls AND boys!  There is something for everyone!  I know that you will be very happy with not just the "cuteness" of the bags (because you KNOW they absolutely darling) but also the quality (which is high)!

And now.....  What you've all been waiting for.....

After moving the comments into a word document and editing out the duplicate comments, I found we had a total of 109 Comments!  WOW!

I entered that into's True Random Number Generator and this is what I saw:

And WHO exactly is Lucky #90???

It is.....


You have 48 hours to contact me to claim your prize!  Please email me at!

Thanks again to Skidaddle!

And thanks to everyone for playing!  I've got another SUPER SWEET give away planned for Sweetpea's Diaversary in April!

And don't forget to come back on VALENTINE'S DAY to see the SURPRISE I've been working on!  I really hope you like it!

Now.... Head on over to see Chasiti at Forget the Chicken Nuggets... You Can't Play on the Playground Until You Eat All Your Fries!  and see what she is giving away this week!!!


Monday, February 7, 2011

The Saga of the Bad Sites..... and a Silver Lining

** If you want to listen to the playlist .... you gotta hit play!  It's right there to your right!  Silver Lining is the first song!**

Reyna reminded me after my A1c Sauce post that I never explained what exactly happened with all those bad sites....  So here it is!  The Saga of the Bad Sites....

For those of you that don't know, we had a run of BAD LUCK in the fall concerning pump sites.  It seemed that every sight we inserted had a bent cannula.  Which, of course, led to high blood sugar and ketones before we could get it corrected.

And I'm not talking moderate or small ketones either.  I'm talking LARGE, Jumbo sized ketones.

It all came to a head on World Diabetes Day.  Ironic, isn't it?  ( You can read that post HERE.)  That morning Sweetpea got up after a site change.  Her blood sugar was not all that high.  Mid 200's.  Not too high considering she had no insulin all night.  So I wasn't SURE the site was bad.  And she's actually come down a bit.  But then she threw up.  Uh-oh.

I find it interesting that she threw up with a LOWER bg and LOWER ketones than she had the previous week.  And that week she was fine - or as fine as you can be with all that.  Just goes to show that D does not ever play by a set of rules.

Anyway, after spending the day in the hospital, we made an appointment to meet with a CDE later in the week to discuss our issues.

When Sweetpea started pumping with her Animas Ping (to read about our Ping - click HERE), we were using the comfort short infusion sets.  We were told that she was too small to use the straight in kind.

The comfort shorts were fine.  But it was REALLY hard to insert.  It would not have been so hard if Sweetpea held as still as the fake skin did while I was practicing.  But no... in true Sweetpea fashion, she flailed and fussed.  This made manually inserting that needle difficult.

It kind of grossed me out that when you insert at that angle that you can kind of "see" it under the skin.  And I was always afraid that I was not going deep enough or that I was going too deep.

We went back to the hospital a few weeks after pump start to meet with the CDE again and see how we were doing.  We discussed our issues with the infusion sets.  The CDE we met with was considered to be the "pump guru" so we totally trusted her judgement.  She suggested that we try the Inset infusion set.  She thought that we would like the automatic insertion and she also thought it was a little smaller and would take up less room.... which really matters when you're short on tush real estate!

Sweetpea was with us at this appointment and she did not like the sound the Inset makes when it automatically inserts.  It scared her.  The CDE suggested that we just put in on her skin and push the middle down ourselves.

We tried it... and it worked!  Sweetpea had no noise to be afraid of.  It was easier to insert on a wiggly little body.  It was good all around.

And it stayed good.  For an entire year.

Then the bad sites started.

I thought maybe it was a bad batch.  I called Animas and they overnighted me replacements.

We still had problems.  BIG problems. 

At our appointment with the CDE after our hospital stay, we discussed the infusion set we were using, our insertion technique, etc.

She thought the problem was that we were manually inserting the inset.  "I've heard of people having trouble with bent cannulas when they insert this way" she said.

"Well, FANTASTIC!"  I thought.  "We only did that because YOU told us it was ok!"
(I did not actually say this because I did not want to hurt her feelings.  J and I just gave each other knowing looks.)

She also brought out some of the other options.

She showed us the new automatic angled inserter - The Inset 30.  We practiced with it a few times and I thought it seemed workable.  The only difficult thing was getting the tape pulled back so it didn't bunch up on insertion.  Apparently, this feature was fixed in the newest model.  We were using ones that we almost ready to expire!

(That's totally me demonstrating!  Check out my abs!!  NOT)

Click HERE to see the Inset 30 product overview!

She also showed us the Contact Detach.  I liked the fact that it would NOT have a bent cannula - as it's steel.  But... it's steel.  OUCH!  That sounded painful.  I've HEARD that it's painful.  It has to be changed every 2 days instead of 3.... And I wasn't sure about having two places of tape "sites".  We hardly have enough room for one.  But I took a sample just in case.

To read more about the Contact Detach click HERE!

So.... We went home and tried the Inset 30's.  They worked!  I liked them just fine!  It was a little difficult to place the automatic inserter correctly on the skin... but nothing major.

However... we had all these Insets.  So we decided to give the inset and go - and do it the automatic way.

Roll the dice and see what happened.

It worked.  And we haven't looked back since!

I think the Inset is the easiest to use.  There are no issues with the tape.  And Sweetpea is asleep now when we do site changes so the sound doesn't bother her!

Click HERE to see the Inset product overview!

The silver lining?

We were afraid, at first, that the problems with the bent cannula were a result of scar tissue on her tush.  We ONLY used the tush for pump sites.  Then we got Dexie (the Dexcom 7 Plus CGM) and we used tush for that, too!  Now, that's a tiny tush.  Cheeks were not getting a break.

The CDE felt Sweetpea and she did not feel any scar tissue at all.  *Whew*

But it encouraged us to try some different sites.  We tried Dex on the arm first.  But Sweetpea did not like Dex on her arm.  She thinks Dex is too big for her arm.  It DOES cover the entire back of it... but it worked fine there.  Since it's her arm - she made the call.  Dex goes on the tush and her pump sites go on her arms.

Now we are rotating and areas are getting a break!  This is good.

The best part?  Arm sites are proving to be the "sweet spot" for the pump!

And to think... all it took was a half a dozen bad sites and a trip to the ER to figure it out!


Friday, February 4, 2011

SKIDADDLE On In for a Sweet Give Away!

How many of you can say that you are *in love* with your diabetes bag?

Well... I have not been able to say that.

My D Bag (J says I shouldn't call it that, it sounds bad!) always gave me fits.  It was always a mess - no matter how many little organizers I used.  It was heavy.  I couldn't find what I needed without digging around like an archaeologist looking for dinosaur bones.  Used test strips would fall out of it like rain.  There was no shoulder strap.  Sweetpea wouldn't carry it.

And yet, it went everywhere with me.  Annoying me at every turn.

And then....  I discovered Skidaddle Bags!

Maria Lester is not only the Founder and CEO of Skidaddle Bags... she's a D Mama.  Her daughter, Maiya, has Type 1.

This is what she writes on her site:

One day my daughter told me, “I only wish I could have a happy bag to hold my supplies.” I was devastated. Not only did my child have this terrible condition, she had an ugly diabetes supply case that made her sad and she was embarrassed to use. So I decided to do something about it.

I’ll never forget my daughter’s face when I showed her a design for what her diabetes supply bag could look like. She was ecstatic! The new design was practical and fashionable and exactly what she wanted. Finally we had some hope on our journey, something we could fix. And we haven’t looked back since.

I launched Skidaddle Bags in 2007 with the hope that I could share this feeling with all of you. I hope Skidaddle’s designer diabetes bags allow you to express your love of fashion and make your life with diabetes a little more colorful.
And she has done just that!  I have always felt that if I couldn't FIX it... If we HAD to carry around a bag of supplies... then we were at least going to look GOOD doing it!

I fell in love with these bags at first sight.  And I know you will, too!

One lucky The Princess and The Pump reader will win an APPLE HIPSTER!

The Apple Hipster is a canvas bag that is washable, practical.... and so adorable!  It will be the apple of your eye!

One of my biggest pet peeves with our old diabetes bags was that I could never find what I needed.  It was a jumbled mess.  And that led to me going out without critical supplies.  I couldn't SEE that I was out of juice.  I THOUGHT the lancet was in there... but I couldn't see it.  I ASSUMED there was an extra bottle of strips....  This led to a few hectic occasions of us being out without the supplies we relied on to keep our Sweetie safe.

The Apple Hipster has compartments and pockets for EVERYTHING.  And you can SEE it - so you know what you've got!

Skidaddle Bags was kind enough to let us try one out.  Here is what ours looks like on the inside:

Instead of the ball point pen, that space could fit an insulin pen.  You could also fit a vial of insulin where I have the glucose tabs and strips.  
 There's also enough room in there for a blood ketone tester!

And a great place for your cell!

This is where you can put an ID of some kind... or a credit card, driver's license, etc.

 SEE?!?  Don't you LOVE it?  Everything has it's place!  

And the quality is great!  This is not a bag that is going to fall apart in a month!  This bag is made to last!

But do you want to know what the BEST PART might be?!?

Sweetpea loved this bag SO MUCH... and the strap is adjustable so I was able to reduce it to her size...

That SHE wanted to carry "her" bag!

She's never really shown much interest in it before.  Which is fine... But if a cute bag can encourage her to start being responsible about her diabetes.... if a cute bag can help make it a little more fun...  THAT is worth every single penny!

If you have a BOY.... Skidaddle offers bags with more masculine patterns.  But you could always use the Apple Hipster for YOU!  Us Mamas often carry the stuff around and YOU deserve a cute bag, too!

If you want to search the Skidaddle site and check out ALL of their amazing products... or if you can't risk not winning one.... just click HERE!

Here's what to do to get one for YOURSELF!

1.  You must "LIKE" Skidaddle Bags on Facebook and write a little message letting her know that The Princess and The Pump sent you!

Leave me a comment before midnight Thursday, February 10th 2011.  Include your first name (comments left with out a name will be eliminated).

** You MUST leave me a comment on this blog to be entered.** 

2. To earn extra entries for the giveaway post a separate comment for each:
  • Tweet about this giveaway, then leave a comment with a link
  • Facebook about this giveaway, then leave a comment with a link
  • Blog about this giveaway, then leave a comment with a link

* No duplicate comments are allowed and will be eliminated.

* Winners will be selected via random draw at  

* Winners' names will be posted here on The Princess and The Pump on Friday February 11th 2011

* After a winner is named and posted, the winner will have 48 hours to send a message to me at   If I do not hear from the winner within 48 hours, I will select a new winner.   



Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A1c Sauce

Every time I hear "A1c" in recent weeks, it makes me think of Caleb from "This is Caleb"  Caleb's mom, Lorraine, posted a video of Caleb on her blog and he told this joke (I'm paraphrasing here...)

"What does a person with diabetes put on his steak?"

"A1c Sauce!"

I think that's hilarious!  Apparently, I'm down with 7 year old humor!  I find it to be a refreshing change from 5 year old humor - which is really just saying 'underpants' and then laughing hysterically.

Speaking of A1c.....

Back in the fall, we went to our quarterly Endo appointment. 

We were pleasantly surprised with an A1c of 7.5.  Sweetpea has been steadily decreasing since dx.  Here are our A1c results:
April 2009 - Diagnosis:  12.5
May 2009 - 10.2
August 2009 - 8.5
November 2009 - 7.9
March 2010 - 8.0
June 2010 - 7.6
September 2010 - 7.5

It was also time for her yearly blood draw (aka arm draw..... aka extreme horribleness).  I decided that even though her Celiac screen was normal last year that we would go ahead and add it to the panel.  Just to be safe.  I wouldn't worry so much if it wasn't for the MAJOR constipation issues she has.  Issues that started at the same time that D entered our lives.  And yes, I know that Celiac is usually linked to diarrhea.... but not always.  And why not just go ahead and do it if we're getting blood drawn anyway?

So we did.

It was unfun.  Sweets detests arm draws.  Even though we numbed her up and promised her Chocolate Chip Pancakes after!  But she did pretty well and the nurse was AWESOME so it wasn't as awful as it could have been.

The results came in....  Negative again.  So I feel like I can relax a little about that.  Plus her constipation issues (or poop issues as she calls it) are getting better.  Praise the Lord!

We went back to the Endo in January. 

I was seriously worried about this one.

Part of it was due to the string of highs we had that were associated with the bad sites that landed us in the hospital on World Diabetes Day.  I couldn't help but wonder what all those bad sites and high bg's had done to her A1c. 

I was a bit obsessed.  I remember being IN THE HOSPITAL and thinking, "Well, Hell.  There goes the A1c." 

I was checking our averages rather often.

It was not pretty.

But.... as the saying goes.... one high number does not an A1c make.

And her A1c in January was.......   7.1%


I was thrilled! 


Our wonderful Endo is out on maternity leave.  *sob*  So we had to meet with a different person this time.  And she totally stole my A1c joy.

She thought that her A1c was too low. 

She thought that Sweets had been having too many lows.  And that "anything under 8.0% is considered good for her age so 7.1 is a little low."


So I immediately began to worry that I was depriving my growing child of the sugar she needs to function and grow.  I pictured her little brain gasping and struggling to function.  It was sad.

Reyna over at Beta Buddies posted this chart on her blog today:

The American Diabetes Association has the following A1C recommendations for children and adolescents with diabetes:

Children younger than 6 years old - 7.5% to 8.5%
Children ages 6–12 years old - Less than 8%
Teens ages 13–19 years old - Less than 7.5%

So....  I suppose it IS a bit low.

However, an A1c of 7.1% is approximately equal to an average blood glucose of 176.  Sweetpea's target blood glucose is 150.  So it's a bit confusing.  How can an A1c that correlates to a bg level that is 26 points HIGHER than her target be too low?

I realize that a higher A1c that is achieved with less ups and downs shows better control than a lower A1c that is achieved through multiple lows.

And I do recognize the need to reduce the number of lows. 

As I see it, it's a work in progress.  Getting the Dexcom allowed us to be more aggressive.  Being more aggressive means (for us) prebolusing meals, making more changes on our own, and running her lower at night (being comfortable with a number between 100-150 instead of preferring a number between 150-200).  Inevitably, this leads to lows as you are figuring out the perfect balance. 

I also recognize the need for ME to be ok with how we are handling her care. 

I need to be ok with these numbers regardless of what a doctor or a chart tells me. 

And I am.  I know that we are doing everything we possibly can to manage her diabetes and tighten our control.  God knows, we're not perfect.  But we're trying. 

And as long I know we're giving it our all...  I'm ok with whatever number pop up.

Pretty much...!

(I decided to put The Gambler at the top of today's playlist because that's what we do with numbers... it's a gamble.  No matter what.  And then Low Rider... because I thought it was funny!  Will close the play list poll down soon....)
