Sunday, March 6, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Today, my baby turns five years old!

It seems like just yesterday....

 The song "How Great is Our God" by Chris Tomlin was playing the moment she entered this world....  It's #2 on the playlist...

 Ten perfect little piggies!

Two Months

Four Months

Nine Months

1 Year

17 Months

2 Years

3 Years

4 Years

Almost Five!

Sweetpea is SO EXCITED about this birthday!  She told me that when she's five, she'll be ready for college!

We were talking about her birthday the other night and I told her I wasn't sure if I could let her be five years old.  She wanted to know why.  I told her that five was awfully big and I I thought she should just be my baby!  She thought for a minute and said, "Mommy, I'll ALWAYS be your baby!  Even when I'm five."

She went on to tell me that she wanted to be older so she could make new friends.  And...  "Don't you want to make new friends, Mommy?  If I make new friends and they come to play then their Mommies will come with them and you can make new Mommy friends!"

Today we will celebrate our Sweetpea!  She is a special little girl!  So full of love and laughter and spunk!  

We've been through a lot in the past five years.  Sweetpea has been through a lot in her five short years of life.  She's the bravest person I know.  She lets nothing slow her down.  She's a fighter!

It has been a joy to be her Mom for the past five years (longer, actually!) and I look forward many, many, many more!



  1. This post completely made me smile. :)

    Happy birthday, sweet pea!!!

  2. I love the photo of you both at her birth, gorgeous!


  3. Happy Birthday SweetPea!! and Happy Mothers day to you!! :) Have a great day!~

  4. Yeah! Five is soooo fun...happy birthday sweetpea and mama!

  5. Hyvää syntymäpäivä! Birthday wishes from Finland!

  6. Happy Birthday SweetPea!!! I hope you have a fantastic day celebrating the BIG 5 Girl!

  7. Happy 5th Birthday SweetPea! 5 is the BEST age to be!

  8. She is so beautiful! Happy big girl birthday!!

  9. Happy, Happy (belated) birthday! Woohoo-FiVE! : )
    ..and I don't think she had enough Tinkerbell presents last year, maybe you should make up for it this year, and take that girl to see TinK in person! ; )
    She is just adorable, and she'll be your baby forever. I love that my almost-9-year-old baby will still cuddle in my lap. Girls are a precious gift from God! : )


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