Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How The Other Half Lived

Remember back in March when we went to Washington DC with JDRF for Government Day?

If you read my posts or followed me on Twitter, you might have noticed that I was in meetings from 8 am until Round 8 pm each day. Sweets and J were not able to go to the meetings with me. So what did they DO all day???

Sightseeing, of course!

Sweets quickly became an expert at riding the metro! She thought it was pretty cool!

They went to the National Zoo! J was surprised to find that it was FREE! Most unlike the zoo here! I couldn't wait to see the pictures of the pandas. Sweets, apparently, was not impressed. Oh-well!

(She was disappointed that the flamingos were not BLUE!)

They went to the White House...

Sweets did not understand WHY she couldn't just go in and have dinner with the President!

They visited the Washington Monument...

And Sweetpea's personal favorite, the Lincoln Memorial!

I was very jealous because I got to see NONE of these things!

I did, however, get to see the Capitol and the House office buildings. And, after all, THAT was the reason we were there!

When they were not out on the town, Sweets was having a blast in the pool! The girl LOVES to swim!

Her other favorite thing was room service! Going out was just not very feasible and we were only able to pack so much... So room service it was!! We may have created a monster diva!

She had so much fun that she keeps asking WHEN we get to go back!

I'm so glad they had a good time!  Without them, I don't think our story would have been nearly as powerful.  And without J being the wonderful husband and Dad that he is, I would not have been able to attend!  So a big THANK YOU is in order to him! 

And to top off an already amazing experience, last week the House letter to the FDA was closed and sent! It included the signatures of 240 Members!! Our voices were heard!

Now to focus on our Senators...

Click HERE to find out how YOU can get involved!
Click HERE to become an advocate!



  1. You know you're a D mama when your daughter was disappointed because the flamingos weren't blue! :)

    I love that she didn't understand why she couldn't have dinner with the President, too!

    She is funny! :)

  2. It does look like a lot of fun...
    and rather than thinking you've created a diva think of all the future spa weekends she'll thoroughly enjoy with you :) I wonder if I could talk my boys into that one day!
    I'll check out your links in the AM, thanks for sharing them also I appreciate you posting this information for me as I often feel out of it politically.

  3. How fun for her. And how cool that the zoo is free... ours is kinda pricey.

  4. Great post! Gonna have to remember the zoo...didn't realize it was free (and we're heading up a few days early for CC)...thanks for the heads up :)

    Totally LOVE that she was disappointed by the flamingos not being blue....what a CUTIE!!!


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