Monday, April 25, 2011


I have so much I want to tell you!

I want to tell you all about Easter and an awesome concert we went to and how it all related to life with diabetes and how it was so inspiring!

I want to tell you something that Sweets said the other day that really made me think...

I want to tell you about all these crazy feelings and emotions I'm having about the upcoming Diaversary! And how year 2 is different from year 1.

But I'm really struggling to find the time!!

You see, I was asked to be the Fund a Cure speaker at our JDRf Gala. The Gala is THIS Saturday! And so I'm in full on speech mode! I feel so honored to have been asked. I don't take it lightly.

So I'll be back... SOON... with so much to tell you!

And I hope you all had a wonderful Easter!



  1. Hope your Easter was fantastic and I look forward to reading all of your updates Hallie.

    Good luck with the speaking gig! You will do us proud. I know it.

  2. oh that is so wonderful!! Congratulations!!! I know you will do a great job!! have someone video tape it for us :)

  3. What an honor! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  4. Our gala is this Saturday too! You'll do wonderfully, I know. Don't stress-anything you tell them about your days and need for a cure will be a lot for them to hear. It's all moving and unreal if it's not your life! : )
    Happy Easter!! : ) Holly

  5. I WISH! I could be there and hear you speak. I know you'll be the best ever. YOU GO GIRL!!!!!! xo


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