Tuesday, July 19, 2011

2 years, 2 months, & 22 days.... Thank Goodness for True Friends!

I just realized that Sweets was diagnosed with T1 2 years, 2 months and 22 days ago.  Weird.

But you know what?  I don't want to focus on that.  I'm too tired to go there right now.  Things are going well with the pod.  Numbers are looking good.  We have been having a LOT of fun....

So, today I'm going to focus on THAT.

I'm not going to think about all the CRAP we have dealt with over the past 2 years, 2 months and 22 days.


I'm going to think of the all the wonderful people who have been brought into our lives.  And how utterly thankful we are for them.  Without the friends we have made on this journey and the ones who knew us before and never left our sides, we would be lost.  Truly.

So today I'm going to tell you about some of my wonderful friends...

A good friend is someone who gives you her extra blood ketone tester when your CWD is sick, you are on vacation, and your ketone tester has stopped working. 

Thanks, Lora!

A good friend is someone who not only supports your decision to switch pumps but is also available to answer questions.  

Thanks Laura, Penny, Lorraine, Denise... and everyone else who messaged me!

A good friend is someone who sends you a care package full of stickers to decorate your pods and new awesome test strips.... Just because!

Thanks, Laura!

A good friend is someone who offers to  watch your CWD - even though she has young children of her own.  Even though it's scary.  Even though she worries she won't know what to do. 

A good friend is someone who gets your name in the Secret Santa drawing and picks out very special things that she knows you will LOVE just because that is how super awesome she is!  Thanks, Heidi!

A good friend is someone who listens, even though she can't really completely understand what this life is like.

A good friend is someone who when you meet for the first time, you can sit and talk for hours like old friends.

 Kelly, Me, & Misty - and two of our CWD's

 Me and Tracy, Sweets and Princess - The look on Sweet's face makes me laugh...

 J, Me, Lora, Justin, Sweets, and Leighanna

A good friend is someone who "gets it" and makes you feel "same - same". 

 Sweetpea and Ally

A good friend is there for you, regardless of how far apart you are.

A good friend is someone who loves you for who you are, just the way you are.

We are so thankful for all the good friends we have in our life!



  1. AMEN SISTA!!! I wouldn't have made it through this without my friends :)

    Love ya!

  2. Yes. The DOC is full of good friends. God bless them all.

  3. love the pictures! the DOC is definitely amazing!

  4. Id be lost without them too! I actually miss you guys when I'm not online...love ya!

  5. I feel truly blessed to be a part of your list. The friends I have made in the past few months of being a part of the DOC mean so much!
    Sending tons of love your way!!

  6. So true! I've only been a part of the DOC for a short time, but have started some new and wonderful friendships because of it! There's nothing that can compare to a good friend...especially during rough times in this D-life!

  7. You guys are all the BEST! YOU ARE A DARN GOOD FRIEND TOO HALLIE! xo

  8. Aww... The love in the DOC is overwhelming sometimes!

  9. Same! Same! I just posted today about how YOU have been my saving grace this week :)


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