Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Let the Eating Begin!

If you are like us, celebrating Halloween started LONG ago.

We've already trick-or-treated once.
Our school pj party (We have the kids wear jammies to school instead of costumes. Many come in totally inappropriate costumes... and this is just as fun!  We have a "sleepover" at school!) is on Thursday.
We have a TWO Halloween parties and ONE bonfire on Saturday.
We have another trick-or-treat party on Sunday.
Then REAL trick-or-treating is on Monday.


That's a lot of loot!

So, to ease the stress of carb counting those little pieces of gold that she is going to want to eat, I went in search of some resources. 

Information is POWER, people!

Here's what I found...

A few sites listing most typical Halloween candy and it's carb count.


I know I'm going to print these out and stick them into the Diabetes bag so I will always be prepared for any little treat that should come our way!

I hope you find them useful, too!

And - I hope you have a very HAPPY HALLOWEEN!



  1. Great information Hallie! Thank you for getting this out there. Oh how I wish I followed blogs when Joe was first diagnosed. Information like this is so helpful!

  2. Great info Hallie! This is the first year with Halloween parties for us. Sweets on top of sweets! It is all good though. You are so right..information IS power. I am going to print out your lists and put them in my d bag too! Happy Halloween!


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