Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Let Faith Arise

Has it really been a week?

Sweets has been sick for the last week. Nothing serious. But enough of a bug to keep her home from school. That always keeps us busy.

Then a couple of days ago I got some heartbreaking news from a dear, dear friend.

And I've been unable to focus on little else since.

My friend's name is Meri. Many of you know her or read her blog, Our Diabetic Life. Meri is one of the first people I met on this journey. She has four boys - aged 16-8. That in itself is impressive! Her youngest three boys all have type 1 diabetes. Now that is amazing!

Meri has been there for me countless times. She has rejoiced with me and been there for me during dark days. And now it's my turn to be there for her.

Meri's husband, Ryan, battled melanoma a few years ago. On Sunday, they found the cancer is back. Ryan has 6 tumors in his brain and multiple tumors in his lungs and abdomen.

To hear about this diagnosis from Meri herself, please click HERE. Do it now.... I'll wait.

Do you believe in miracles? I do. I see them every day. Life itself is a miracle. I think sometimes we think that God isn't in the miracle business anymore. We don't see seas parting and things of that magnitude. But I think that maybe it's that WE aren't in the business of LOOKING for miracles anymore. Miracles are all around us. We just have to look.

So I'm asking you to please, please pray for a miracle for Meri and Ryan and their family.

It doesn't matter if you only have a minute. It doesn't matter if you think you don't know how to pray. It doesn't matter if you don't know what to say. It doesn't matter if you're not sure about religion. It doesn't matter if you think God won't listen to you. None of that stuff matters.

Just do it. Right now.

It doesn't have to be perfect. It doesn't have to be long. Just ask God to heal Ryan. Ask God for a miracle. Right now. I'll wait.

I believe God hears us. I believe our prayers matter.

Maybe set a timer in your phone. And every time you hear it, pray. Pray for them every time you brush your teeth. Or take a shower. Or get in the car.

Please do this for my friend. Please do this for her boys.

Thank you...

To keep up to date on Ryan and their fight, please "like" the Facebook page "Schuhmacher Family's Miracle" by clicking HERE.


  1. Beautiful and oh so true. Prayers are being sent up from my home and my heart every time they cross my mind (which is often). God doesn't change. If He healed people in the Bible, He can and WILL do it today. Thank you for posting this.

  2. Loved this part: We don't see seas parting and things of that magnitude. But I think that maybe it's that WE aren't in the business of LOOKING for miracles anymore.
    It's so good that people are praying. That we still pray! And that we're praying for people that need it so much. I'm seeing a lot of faith!

  3. Praying for Meri and her family..Thanks for posting!

  4. Miracles do happen. Praying harder than I ever have for this miracle.

  5. completely agree...loved the part of "...maybe it's that WE aren't in the business of LOOKING for miracles anymore." so very true....praying for Meri, Ryan, and their family.

  6. I so set my alarm on my phone right before I read this. For 12 PST. But I have to say I have been thinking and praying for them pretty much constantly! I can't think of anything else. Miracles Happen!! I believe they do!


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