Monday, February 4, 2013

Diabetes Art Day 2013: In a Vial

 Today is Diabetes Art Day!

I love Diabetes Art Day!  I love creating and having the reason to do so!

Diabetes Art Day was created by LeeAnn Thill of The Butter Compartment as a way to express yourself and tell your story about life with diabetes - in a creative and visual way!

This year I decided to go a little non-traditional in my art.  I knew exactly what I wanted to do!

I saved some old vials.  I kept some Apidra vials (that's the insulin Sweets uses) to make ornaments out of at Christmas and never got around to it.  And, for some reason, I kept the vial of Glucagon that we had to give Sweets almost two years ago when she had a seizure from a low.  I don't know why I kept it.  I just did.

And today I turned them into something else.  Something beautiful.

My original idea was to make them into necklaces.  And I may still do that.  But I also think they are really pretty just standing alone.  Or in a pair.

This is the vial of Apidra.  I filled it with blue sprinkles.  To me, it represents BLUE hope, cupcakes, sparkle, and life.  It represents all the things that diabetes can not take from you.

This is the glucagon vial.  It's my favorite.  I filled it with opaque glitter.  To me, this represents life and sparkle!  It makes me think of purity and hope.  It looks magical and mystical.

It's amazing to me that the substances in these little vials keep my child alive.  It's humbling.  It's powerful.

I would love to wear these as a daily reminder of the fragility of life, the strength of a person, and the blessings diabetes has brought into our life.

To check out all the D Art Day submissions, click HERE!



  1. Love the vials, Hallie! Beautiful job! Very nice with them all, but I particularly like the blue hope, sparkle & life. Thanks for making some good from those D items and sharing them here!

  2. I love all the art work and would love to participate in 2014! and


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