Friday, July 11, 2014

Wait! Let Me Take a Selfie!

Yesterday I got a very cool email from the very cool folks at the International Diabetes Federation telling me about their new app!  I don't know about you but we love apps at our house... especially free ones.  And even more so when they involve pictures!

This is what they had to say about the app...
"We will continue to use World Diabetes Day to increase awareness of the blue circle as the global symbol for diabetes as it still means nothing to many people!  For this reason, we are very happy to announce that we have developed a WDD Selfie App to promote the blue circle in a fun way. Selfies can be taken anywhere such as at a famous landmark, at a concert, at popular event like a marathon… your imagination is the limit!"

Eight year old... phone... selfie... Sounds about perfect!

It's available for Apple and Android phones.  I just went into the app store on my iphone and searched for World Diabetes Day and it came up!  

Then I played around with it last night with some of my pictures from our recent trip to Florida and FFL (which I'm STILL unpacking from but will post about soon!)

Super Fun!

Go download and start adding circles to your pics!  Warning... It's a little addicting!  



  1. It is a lot of fun! Great pictures!

  2. I saw that email... Apparently I need to sit down and read it. Looks fun!


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