Yesterday we walked in the JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes!
Princess Sweetpea's Dream Team made quite a show! We had 57 people signed up on our team and about 46 who made it out on walk day!
Before I start talking about our day, I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to our team! To those who walked, those who donated, and those who supported us with kind thoughts and prayers... we are so blessed and grateful to have you in our lives! How many people would take time out of their own busy lives - their own precious weekend - to walk with us? How many people would take time out of their lives to work at McDonalds for our fundraiser? How many people would give so generously to our cause? It takes very special people.
Dream Team: Your generosity amazes us. It humbles us.
To date, Princess Sweetpea's Dream Team has raised $12,927.38. TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS! Are you kidding me?!? And we're not done yet... we have McTeacher night at McDonald's (they are donating 15% of the proceeds during our 3 hour shift), Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A (they are donating 20% of the proceeds from those with our flyers during a 2 hour period), and a Thirty One party (They are donating 30% of sales). So, I'm guessing that our final total will be around $14,000- maybe more once we get the corporate matching donations.
Are these people incredible or what?
After the walk (and a nap), we went to church. We sang the song Sweetly Broken. And the lyrics really spoke to me.
At the cross you beckon me.
You draw me gently to my knees and I am,
Lost for words
So lost in love
I am sweetly broken.
Wholly surrendered.
What a priceless gift, undeserved life
I have been given...
It seemed perfect. The generosity and LOVE that we feel on walk day is incredible. It's something that I can't really describe. But just like the song, I feel humbled. Brought to my knees by the love and generosity of our family and friends. I am lost for words. I am lost in love. I am sweetly broken. I am wholly surrendered. I am eternally grateful for the priceless gift we have been given - a gift to help us fight for the life of our child.
Thank you doesn't seem adequate. It doesn't seem enough. But it's all I've got!
It was a terrific day!
The radar showed rain heading our way.... but it stayed away until AFTER the walk! Woo-Hoo!
We had a great time!
Here are Sweetpea and her best friends....

Sweetpea and her BFF. Both rode in style while their parents pushed the little Princesses around!

Guess who we saw while walking???
That's right! It's Misty from Life is Like a Box of Chocolates!
(ps- She's hosting this week's Sugar Bolus Give Away! Go check it out!)
Here is Sweetpea, Dodge, and Ally!
The fountains came on as we were walking by the river - making a pretty awesome full rainbow! What a symbol of HOPE!
The above pic is me, Steve, and Sweetpea. Steve and I have been friends pretty much since we were born. Steve is an INCREDIBLE artist and he is the one who designed our shirts! If you need an artist - contact him! Click HERE to see his work on his website! Funny thing is... Sweetpea thinks of Steve as HER friend - not Mommy's friend. We all love him!
We did a Cinderella theme this year. I thought it was appropriate!
I didn't notice until I got home that we had not taken any pictures as a family! We were too busy getting everything and everyone ready that we forgot! That's ok - we'll get a pic at McDonald's or something!
I also had the pleasure of meeting a new family at the walk! Our Executive Director introduced us to a family with a little girl Sweetpea's age who was recently diagnosed. I enjoyed talking with them and hope that we can get together soon. I remember all too clearly what life was like back then.
All in all... it was a great day!
** Our team raised a total of $16,000 this year when all was said, done, and counted!**

What a BEAUTIFUL post!!!!!!! Congrats on a successful walk....LOVE THE PICS :)
ReplyDeleteIt was a great day! You have done an amazing job fundraising..THANK YOU!!! We loved seeing you and Sweetpea (and Dodge too!).
ReplyDeleteAnd your rainbow pictures turned out better than mine...I want a copy of those! That rainbow gave me chills when I saw it.
Glad everything went so well!
ReplyDeleteAWESOME! I think you are awesome! These donations - all of the money raised - it is for all of our children! I'm in tears right now just thinking about it. Great job, Hallie!! Sweetpea is so blessed to have you for a mommy and I am blessed to have you as a friend!
ReplyDeleteSymbol of hope is right! Awesome! Congrats to your team for their wonderful hard work! Thank you from our family, the money your team raised towards a cure is an amazing step forward for the cause!! God bless!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your Walk! Sounds like you did an AMAZING job fundraising...thank you!!!
ReplyDeleteOur Walk in Portland was today...really fills your heart to SEE all the support for our cause. Beautiful!
What a heart-warming post! You rocked the Walk! Congrats! Thanks for all you do for all of us living with T1D!
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this Hallie. It is heartwarming and it is encouraging and uplifting...something this Beta Buddy is in need of these days!!!
ReplyDeleteI love the way I feel while planning for and after the is exactly as you spoke of in this post and the song in church sums it up perfectly. It is about so much more than the money... it boosts my spirits so that I can continue my diligent work as a pancreas with my spirits lifted high by the loving support of my friends and family.
P.S. Great pic of you with Misty and the girls! Love you.
I just love that song...We also sang it in church yesterday. I agree, it is definately about more then the money. I'm so thankful for all you do for our kids! I'm happy that your walk went so well!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad the walk was a success! Nice pictures too!