The brochure from Lauren's Hope.
I remember the social worker going over all this stuff with us and saying that it would be a good idea for her to wear a medical alert tag now.
I was still in such a fog. My kid needs to wear something that tells the world she has a disease? No thanks.
But the Lauren's Hope information caught my eye... as does all pretty jewelry!
I actually WANTED to look at it. It wasn't cold, drab steel. It was colorful beads and pretty charms.
THAT I was willing to do!
Life was really, really sucky at first. Sweets was crying every time we gave her a shot. Which was five or more times a day. We needed something fun. We needed a distraction.
So we went shopping!
For a medical alert bracelet!
I knew she needed one. I wanted her to have one. And if it had to happen --- it was going to be pretty!
I sat her little three year old self on my lap and we picked out a bracelet for her to wear!
I was worried she wouldn't like it. She had NEVER worn jewelry before She never liked it for more than a few minutes. Luckily, it wasn't a problem! She put on her bracelet and never took it off!
Over the summer, we got new bracelets from Lauren's Hope! Sweets wanted a new bracelet. She wears hers every. single. day. And she NEVER takes it off. She sleeps in it. She showers in it. She swims in it. She wears it to school and dance and gymnastics and cheerleading. It NEVER leaves her arm. Her old one was looking a little worn.... I mean, the thing had been worn like that for well over a year!
Lauren's Hope was kind enough to offer her a bracelet if I would agree to review it! Ummm.... sure! We love Lauren's Hope! As I mentioned, any bracelet that can be worn constantly for that long gets lots of gold stars in my book! They last. And they look great, too!
Sweets picked out The Diva medical alert bracelet. Are you at all surprised by this?
You can see why she fell in love with it! It's very pretty!
She chose a purple medial emblem on the front of her tag. Her favorite color, you know!
But don't be fooled... like I said, this thing can stand up to lots of wear and tear! She has worn it since summer and it still looks brand new! Here are some pictures of her sporting her jewelry!
She likes it because it's pretty. She gets lots of compliments on it all the time! It doesn't scream I HAVE DIABETES. That's important to her. And it's comfortable, too. Trust me - she doesn't suffer for fashion. If it bugs her, it's a no-go.
What's important to ME is that she likes and wants to wear it. I mean, it doesn't do anyone any good if it sits at home on the dresser.
It's also important to me that she has necessary medical information on her person at all times. God Forbid we are in a situation where she can't talk for herself and no one else is there to do it either. But if it happens - we are prepared. It's got her diagnosis, the fact that she wears an insulin pump, and both of our cell phone numbers on it.
The list of possible scenarios is endless... As D parents, I'm sure we have all thought of them from time to time. Worried. Wondered. I like knowing that I have done everything I can to keep her safe and protect her if I'm not right there to do it myself. And as she's growing up... me not being right there is happening more and more often. It's like a little security blanket for me! (And her too, even if she won't admit it!)
Know why else this is great?
Safety. We just got back from Disney World. But even when we are at the mall or someplace smaller than the Magic Kingdom... she knows she has our phone numbers on her arm. She knows that if she is to ever get lost, she should go to a worker and show them her bracelet. Now that she's a little older, she might be able to remember phone numbers. But I don't have to worry because they are right there on her arm! LOVE THAT!!!
Guess what else Lauren's Hope offered us?
A bracelet for ME!!!
"YOU?" you ask? "Why do YOU need a bracelet?"
Well, thanks for asking. Let me tell you.
Lauren's Hope offers something called a Caregiver ID. This is something that the caregiver wears containing the medical information of the person for whom they are responsible.
I like this idea. Another added layer of security. And since they are so cute, sign me up!
I chose the Sea Jewel bracelet. I wanted something that would match lots of things and look fashionable and discreet.
My bracelet has Sweetpea's information on it. It states her diagnosis and that she wears an insulin pump. It also has our phone numbers.
Why would this be needed? I think it can be especially useful for parents of young children. If something happened, if we were in an accident and I was not able to speak for myself or my child... my bracelet could. If she was not injured, people might not think to look at her medical id. And I seriously doubt that she would think her diabetes diagnosis was something she should share. But who knows? It could be important and necessary information. Sweets rarely feels her lows so I can just imagine we unconsious and her acting quiet or crying and medical personnel thinking that it's from the accident when really it's a low blood sugar. I would want others to know that my child has diabetes in case she needed attention.
Is this unlikely? Well, it might be. But so was having a child diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I've learned that you just don't know what is around the next corner. And again... better safe than sorry. It can't hurt. It's an extra layer of protection. And it's not like wearing such a pretty bracelet is a hardship!!
My bracelet has also held up quite well to wear and tear. Now, I don't wear mine all the time. I don't sleep in it. I don't even wear it every day. But I like having it to wear on occasions that I know we will be together - especially when it's just the two of us.
I can really see parents of small children getting a lot of use out of something like this. I know I like having it now and can imagine that having it when she was a toddler would have helped me feel more secure.
Isn't that what medical jewelry is all about? It's a way to keep us and our loved ones safe.
For us, it's a non-negotiable. She HAS to wear her bracelet.
And if you've got wear something every day, I think you deserve something pretty that makes you feel good!
Lauren's Hope offers a wide selection of women's and girl's jewelry. If beads aren't your thing you can find the traditional silver bracelets, necklaces, silicone bracelets and more! There are even special allergy bracelets if you are looking for something like that.
Now don't think that Lauren's Hope has left out the boys! Nope!
Lauren's Hope offers some great designs for both men and boys including sports themed items, silicone bracelets, dog tags, paracord and more!
So what are you waiting for? Order yours today! These would make great stocking stuffers! (Yes, I know it's not even Halloween but it's never too early to get some shopping done!) Use the code PRINCESS to get a 10% discount!
You don't even have to take my word for how awesome this company and their products are! You can click here and see what others have to say!
But wait...! You *might* want to stay tuned because I will be GIVING AWAY a Lauren's Hope medical bracelet right here on this blog in November in honor of Diabetes Awareness Month! How cool is that?!?
Thanks, Lauren's Hope, for helping us stay safe and stylish at the same time!

thanks! I will check out the men's selection!
ReplyDeletelove Laurens Hope! Cant wait to try and win one ;)!
ReplyDeleteI love Laurens Hope and their bracelets. I am 68 but I still like pretty and functional jewelry. The only problem I have when I visit their website is WHICH one to choose?
I love Laurens Hope jewelry. The only problem I have when I visit their website is WHICH one to choose :) If you buy one, it isn't long before you see another one you would like.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great post and the title is perfect! I have been in search of a new medical ID and Lauren's Hope has come up several times. I actually even wrote my own blog post here at on how medical IDs are a diabetic's best friend. I would love if you checked it out!
ReplyDeleteThey do have the cutest bracelets! : ) And I love the ones you both chose, Hallie. Perfect!
ReplyDeleteMy daughter has that one as well, and three others, with three different tags as well. We love it. Affordable and pretty!