We ended our sale today. All that is left to do is pack up what we did not sell and donate it to charity.
We are exhausted. It's been a long, hot, wet 3 days!
However.... it was worth it!
We raised.....
drumroll, please......
over $1,000 for JDRF! Woo Hoo!
Many people who visited us were very sweet and donated freely to the cause! I made a big poster about why were donating to JDRF. It had pictures and some facts about Type 1 along with some stats about what Sweetpea has endured with D in the last 15 months.
So... even though my body aches from head to toe - I also feel really good!
We educated people. We raised awareness. We raised money. AND I got rid of a lot of stuff and now have space in the basement!
To end this experience, J and I headed down to a concert - a concert we really wanted to attend because Chris Tomlin was playing.
I LOVE Chris Tomlin! He is hands down my favorite artist. His music gives me chills. I am astounded that he can write the songs that he does. I really believe that God speaks through him.
We have seen Chris in concert 4 times. Twice around here. One in Tampa, Florida. And once tonight!
The last time we saw him perform was in Tampa in April of 2009. Weeks before Sweetpeas's diagnosis. We were in Florida for Spring Break. Just happened that he was there and so we made the drive. It was awesome! And I'm so glad we got to do that because shortly after.....
Well, you know. Our world fell apart.
In some ways the concert tonight felt like coming full circle.
He began with the song "Jesus Messiah". It's the song that is playing first on my playlist right now. And these lyrics really caught my attention...
All our hope is in You
All our hope is in You
All the glory to You, God
The light of the world
That's why I worked myself (and my family and friends) so hard this week.
Because I have HOPE. I truly believe that a cure is possible. And I believe in doing my part to make it a reality. And as I stood there and listened to this beautiful song, I couldn't help but think of the day when a cure IS a reality. And how on that day, it will be to the Glory
of God.
An older man who stopped by our sale said the same thing to us. After talking about diabetes and Avery, he said something to the effect of "We don't understand why it happens. We don't have to. But it's all to Glorify Him."
And then, as if the concert could get any better, he ended his set with
the song "Our God" from the Passion CD Awakening.
It's the number two
song playing currently on my playlist. Listen to the lyrics....
and if our God is for us
then who could ever stop us
and if our God is with us
then what could stand against
Tonight was like balm for my tired body. And my aching heart.
It was encouragement. To keep going.
Because it's true.
NOTHING can stop us. Nothing that D throws our way will ever keep us D Mamas and D Papas from fighting for our children. I KNOW us. And I know that until our last breaths we will fight for a cure.
And with God by our sides (which I believe He is), no monster is too big. D might kick our rear ends from time to time. But it won't defeat us. And it won't defeat God.
I don't know about you, but I needed that tonight.
Because I'm just so tired. I'm tired physically. I'm tired emotionally. I'm tired of getting things worked out and then having to start over because the new basal rates and carb factors only worked for a week or so. I'm tired of counting carbs. I'm tired of getting up in the middle of the night. I'm tired of saying NO to food that other children can eat. I'm tired of being different. I'm tired of fighting so hard. I'm tired of trying desperately to hold it together. I'm tired of sticking my child with needles. I'm tired of seeing her blood. I'm just so darn tired! And I've got some anger going, too. It's simmering just below the surface. I can feel it in there. And so far, I've managed to keep it pushed down. But it's there.
Tonight was a like a shot in the arm. A little boost to keep going. To keep fighting. To keep living. To keep loving.

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